Week #5 - November 18, 2005
This week's exercise is to simply write on a theme. No scene is provided, no image from which to base your ideas. Just a single word that will, hopefully, illicit about 500 words or so.
See you next week!
See you next week!
“Power to the people...Power to the people, RIGHT OOOONNN”
The music and the mood of the 60’s and 70’s.
Peace, Make Love Not War, Ban the Bomb, Black Power, Grey Power. Everyone banding together, demanding to be heard.
I was a teenager during those “Billy Jack” years and I even proudly displayed my Black Panther poster on my bedroom door. A fluorescent pink background with the black silhouette of a fist. I had no idea it was the icon for the Black Panthers when I bought it. For me, it meant, “Solid” “Right On”. I wanted it!
Ironically, I had purchased the poster in Quebec during a school field trip. Pierre LaPorte had been kidnapped and found dead in the trunk of a car a the airport. FLQ was spray painting everything and their was even a bombing in the park across from our hotel. Marshal Law. Curfews. No freedom during that field trip whatsoever. Ah yes, it was exciting times.
Seemed everyone was declaring their rights as individuals and groups.
I was teetering on doing the same thing. As every teenager before me and since, demanding respect, more freedom, to be thought of as wise and to be able to take care of myself. That is what I wanted from my parents, siblings, any adult in general.
I guess we were all in a hurry to grow up. To stand in our own power.
Seems like I have struggled with that my entire life.
Small in stature, 5’2”, female. I felt handicapped in some ways, to be taken seriously during my early 20’s. Collingwood was still very much an “old boy’s network”. I was managing the biggest hotel in the town at the time. I was one of the town’s largest employers. Yet, I felt tested, challenged, almost everyday.
Fifteen years later, owner of my own businesses, mother, and wife, I was being challenged in new ways.
Always searching for the ever elusive power.
Now, in my late 40’s, single, family raised and gone, power doesn’t seem quite so important. The struggles now are within. The power I fight for now is with self discipline and motivation.
In retrospect, the only power struggle that you ever have any chance of winning, is within. And, it is the only one that truly matters.
Somehow it was much easier to be fighting with parents, staff, children, husbands, friends, on and on for respect, for consideration. The battle. The win/lose scenario. Kept me busy anyway. Maybe that was a tactic I had developed to not to have to look within Its good when you can ride a high horse.
Not nearly so easy when your fighting with yourself. You are both the good guy and the bad guy at every turn.
I am not complaining though, to be challenged and to be working on something healthy, to struggle. It is all good for me. It reminds that I am alive and I am striving to be better, everyday.
Anonymous, at 10:56 AM
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