Fiction Friday: The Weekly Inspiration Site for Writers

Friday, October 28, 2005

Week #2 - October 28, 2005

A woman and her dog are crossing the street, when a black car comes racing around the corner, nearly crashing right into them. As they dive out of the way, several passers-by see the near-accident and run to see if the woman is okay. Her dog is already bounding around her as she rolls into a sitting position and onto the curb.

"Are you okay?" a tall, lanky man calls, running over. His friend, also tall and thin, runs past them towards the car, which has crashed just a block down the street....

Click here to read this week's entries.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Week #1 - October 21, 2005

A young man walks into a bar at two in the afternoon and orders a boilermaker, which he quickly drains. He throws a $100 bill on the bar, winks at the bartender and walks out the door....

Click here to read this week's entries.