Fiction Friday: The Weekly Inspiration Site for Writers

Friday, November 25, 2005

Week #6 - November 25, 2005

I'm moving, starting tonight, so that theme is going to carry into this week's Fiction Friday post. What emotions specifically are evoked when you think about MOVING? Do you get a wrenching feeling in your gut? Are you filled with excitement about the possibilities, or dread at the thought of all that effort.

Write 500 words on the feeling that is evoked by the word MOVING.


Friday, November 18, 2005

Week #5 - November 18, 2005

This week's exercise is to simply write on a theme. No scene is provided, no image from which to base your ideas. Just a single word that will, hopefully, illicit about 500 words or so.


See you next week!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Week #4 - November 11, 2005

Look at the picture below; what do you see? What happened to the person being carried? Where are they coming from; and where are they going? Where was this picture taken?

Write for 500 words about this scene and post a comment.

Click here to read this week's entries.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Week #3 - November 4, 2005

Look at the above picture.

Where does the path lead? Who is on the path, and why are they there? Write up to 500 words and post to the comments section.

Click here to read this week's entries.
