Fiction Friday: The Weekly Inspiration Site for Writers

Monday, February 06, 2006

A contemplation of the future...

Hello Fiction Friday Readers:

I must admit, I've been a bit disappointed with the results of this experiment and my own commitment has waned. Only one person other than myself wrote an entry. I feel like I'm lost in cyberspace at the moment. I love to write, but I will move on to other things unless there is actually an interest or value in this particular project.

So what would you like me to do?

Please email me at to let me know that you want me to keep going. I promise not to add you to any lists.

If this project lives on, I may turn it into a newsletter format - I send out the topic for the week along with a sampling of last week's responses and a link to the full list of responses. But if that happens, I will only request inclusion via a new post and a sign-up form. I hate spam as much as you do, so feel free to email me and it will be our little secret.

Should you choose to let me know that you want this to continue, I'd also appreciate any other feedback you might have on how I could improve it. This is truly meant to be a collaborative effort.

My weekly statistics show that people ARE visiting, so to those of you who check regularly, I apologise for my reticence.

Be well,